phrack50's birthday | photos from the party

Happy Birthday To Me!

My best friend Jesse and I playin Chess

June 13th, 2003

I am 22 today, the evening started like this. Theres BBQ Chicken, Chips & Salsa, and my birthday cake to my left. My best friend Jesse played me in a game of Chess. I'm the one with the 'fro and the white shirt. I ended up winning by systematically removing all his pieces with my queen. Afterward, a few more friends showed up, one of them requested to see the Animatrix. And after watching that we started a 4 player Quake 3 network. I owned all :D

Gaming Center

As you can see, theres a glass chess board we use endlessly, and a State-of-the-Art Gaming System, I built myself. Notice the 27" TV and 4 foot tall speaker system :D

phrack50 is now 22 years old